Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chiefs of Staff Committee releases joint operational doctrines

Indian Armed Forces, in a major step towards enhancing Joint Fighting Capabilities, promulgated three joint operational doctrines, namely Joint Doctrine for Sub Conventional Operations, Joint Doctrine for Electronic Warfare and Joint doctrine for Maritime Air Operations. The Doctrines were released by General Deepak Kapoor, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), who is also presently the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee at a simple function here today.

The Joint Doctrines collectively aver that it may be more appropriate to call the battlefield of future as battle space, since wars would be fought not only in air, on land and sea but also in cyberspace, on electronic fronts, along information highways and media fronts. Success in such a battle space depends on joint teamwork by maritime, ground and air forces operating effectively, individually and together in support of shared military objectives.

Considering the prevailing security environment in the country and its neighbourhood, it is mandatory to ensure that thrust of all agencies involved in combating terrorism is focussed towards the common enemy and the synergised endeavour produces best results. Taking the lead from the Operational imperatives, these doctrines would fundamentally shape the way Armed Forces plan, think and train for military operations Indian Armed Forces are one of the few militaries in the world which have joint operational Doctrines for optimising their capabilities.

The doctrines have been formulated by the Doctrine Directorate of Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff to create the requisite synergy between the three services, thereby contributing to their overall operational efficiency.

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